Located in the department of Oruro, this complex of mud houses will be inspired by the Chipaya culture. They are one of the oldest cultures of the whole continent and luckily still exist today. The legend says that their ancestors were spectators of the first appearance of the sun, and had to adapt to live in the water in order to survive the heat.
They developed a lifestyle of harmonious existence with the world around them. They live daily applying principles that made them masters to manipulate the water and the wind to their favor.

That’s why they are known as the people of the water.
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Text about Uru Chipaya on Bolivia
We hopefully look forward to building these warehouses where the chipayas are located. We plan to develop experiences that involve community tourism. Increasing the amount of visitors arriving, and projecting the future development of their identity. They already received assistance from different international organizations in order to promote the tourism around their culture and our proposition is aligned with their interests.
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1Why is this branch important?
Our underground mud houses combine three strategic purposes that help us differentiate the company and products, develop a market for whisky, and that are designed to age spirits under unique circumstances.
2What is the strategy behind this branch?
Bolivia is currently an immature whisky market and in order to develop it with a culture of appreciation and knowledge, we need a physical space where we can educate visitors, earning loyal customers and advocacy. By having a unique architecture inspired by local andean cultures, we add identity with which many bolivians can identify. At the same time, the design, technology and functionality will add exposure towards other interests such as culture, architecture, and solar energy.

By having different warehouses located in different places of Bolivia, we aim to create a whisky trail that will introduce tourists to our different cultures, their wisdom, and their environments. These stops also alleviate the trip for tourists in their journey to the Andean salt flats where we also plan to have an underground salt house.
3Is this branch ready to hit the market?
We have already been working on the conceptualization, engineering, and architectural starting points. We require investment in order to buy the land, finish developing the project and construct the first complex that will be strategically located in the department of La Paz. From then on we will build the different warehouses according to the quantity of barrels we fill.

© 2022 AC Distillery. All Rights Reserved. La Paz, Bolivia.