
The table below contains the most relevant channels identified to reach the customer and to deliver our value propositions.

Each channel has different touch points distributed along the different channel phases which are topics that need to be resolved by the company in order to process sales correctly. Some channels are own and direct, like the physical space, the staff members and the website. Social media channels belong to the company, but rely on an external format and algorithm which is why they are considered own indirect.

Partner indirect channels are institutions and people that play important roles in determined phases. With the adequate strategy and coordination, we will be able to attract, communicate, sell and deliver our products successfully.

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Strategies to develop the market through channels

The table below shows the different strategies that we created which are aligned with our focus on education approach as a way to develop the local market for whisky. These strategies rely on the same channels that the company already has and needs to work properly.

You can click on the chart to enlarge your view.


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